Emergency ID Seat Belt


If you’re involved in a crash, it is ESSENTIAL that first responders have immediate access to important info about you and your children, such as medications you may be on, allergies and also emergency contact information.

The obvious problem is that you may be unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate. This is even more of a problem if your children are in the vehicle with you!

This quality product is designed to assist in such a situation. You enter all of your medical and emergency contact info on the form provided and this form slides into the seatbelt wrap. The wrap then easily wraps around the seatbelt and attaches to itself with Velcro. You can also put one on your children’s seatbelts with their info and emergency contact details.

Great for peace of mind when you’re out on the road



The Emergency ID Seatbelt Wrap provides VITAL information IMMEDIATELY when it matters the most!

There is no need for phone calls, computers, or membership fees. First responders have instant access to important info about you and your kids.

It is simple, highly effective and takes literally 3 seconds to attach to a seatbelt.

Note that this product does NOT include your address, just in case your vehicle is stolen, so you do not have to worry about that.

Help those trying to help you, by giving them vital information!

Additional information

Weight100 g
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